Venus in Aries, April 5, 2024

Venus entered Aries today, inviting more action and dynamism in interpersonal relationships. After a period of greater surrender and acceptance with Venus transiting through Pisces, these days we may feel an increase in intensity and an urge to take the initiative in interactions. At this moment, the tendency will be to desire to be loved for our authenticity, to be valued for our independence and autonomy, and encouraged in our spontaneity. This will also invite us to value these qualities in others and in the relationship itself.
With this increased intensity, it's natural for conflicts and disputes to arise, with less willingness to accommodate the perspective of others. Coming to an agreement may not be easy at this time, especially because with Mars transiting through Pisces during Venus's passage through Aries, it will be difficult to have a clear response about what we want and how to act appropriately.
Perhaps the most important period of this transit will be between April 17th and 22nd, when Venus conjuncts the North Node, Mercury, and then Chiron, revealing an opportunity to overcome patterns of dependency and lack of assertion. Communication will be crucial in this process, and it's likely that unresolved issues will resurface, along with others that we thought were already closed but need revisiting. This way, we can progress towards the essence of the issues, where we'll likely find some wounds that need attention. Healing comes from awareness and acceptance that brings meaning. Often, it's the wounds that are the great catalysts for our development.

- Jorge Lancinha
(Photo by Wesley Tingey - Unsplash)

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