The Mars/Uranus Conjunction, July 15, 2024
We’ve all got our eye on the Mars-Uranus conjunction taking place on Monday at 26 Taurus. It has been in orb since the beginning of July and will essentially last through the month. And here we are, heading into the exact conjunction. It’s a time when we might want to apply rationality and conscious awareness to our actions, whilst also acknowledging that something needs to be dealt with because it has come to a head (pun intended – read on).
Venus in Leo, July 11, 2024
Venus entered Leo yesterday. This entry marks a significant shift in interpersonal dynamics, bringing to the surface a more vibrant and expressive energy.
The Cancer New Moon on July 5, 2024
The Cancer New Moon invites us to explore themes of nourishment, emotional security, and deep connections. How are we being cared for? How are we caring for others?
This lunation’s Sabian Symbol is “In a Sumptuous Dining Hall Guests Relax After Partaking of a Huge Banquet.” This symbol highlights the importance of materializing the concept of fulfillment and experiencing the joy of abundance and shared comfort.
Saturn Retrograde in Relationships
Once a year, Saturn goes symbolically retrograde for about 4 ½ months. This year, it started yesterday, the 29th at 19° Pisces 25. It goes direct on Nov. 15th at 12° Pisces 41.
Happy Solstice 2024!
Happy Solstice! The Sun enters Cancer today at 20:51 UT/GMT, the high point of midsummer and longest day in the northern hemisphere. It has been celebrated since the Neolithic, with many stone circles built around the solstice Sun and midsummer traditions of lighting bonfires and celebrating the pivotal moment of maximum light. As a time of change, the solstice has gathered around it connotations of magic, a time when ordinary and non-ordinary worlds flow together.
Venus in Cancer, June 17, 2024
This water sign stands for emotional connection, affection, and vulnerability. It is thus a moment to connect with feelings after a more rational phase of Gemini. In relationships, the focus now will be on caring, closeness, and attention to the emotional needs of others as well as our own. Here, communication is very important as Mercury accompanies Venus in this entry into Cancer.
Mercury Combust, June 12, 2024
Mercury’s period of combustion is the end of one cycle and the beginning of another, with the symbolism of fear and overwhelm that is suggested by a planet being swallowed into the Sun. It is a moment of threshold. With the square to Saturn still in orb for a few more days too, perhaps the communication in our relationships is not as we would like it to be, that we cannot say what we want to say or are somehow unable to act or express ourselves or move forward quite yet.
Mars in Taurus, June 9, 2024
Mars entered Taurus today! In this sign, Mars is not very comfortable since Taurus is a territory of peace, tranquility, and security, while this planet represents action, assertion, competition, and conquest. Therefore, there is a dissonance between Mars' aggressive drive and Taurus' harmonizing nature.
The Gemini New Moon on June 6, 2024
Today's Gemini New Moon at 5:37 AM PDT/ 8:37 AM EDT features a tight conjunction with Venus in Gemini, making relationships of all kinds a focal point for this lunation. Friendships, family bonds, or romantic relationships could feel more playful if we're willing to relax and be present.
Mars/Chiron Conjunction in Aries
Mars is conjunct Chiron today, in Aries – a paradoxical combination which mixes heat, strength and direct action with empathy, humanity and vulnerability.
Jupiter in Gemini, May 25 2024 - June 9, 2025
Jupiter has an 11.86 year cycle, and the last time it was in Gemini was from early June 2012 – late June 2013. What was happening in your personal and relationship life at that time? This cycle will not be the same of course, as the other configurations in the sky are different, but it will carry a reverberation from the previous cycle, as Jupiter will make the same aspects in your natal and composite chart, as it did in 2012/2013.
Venus in Gemini, May 2024
Venus enters the sign of Gemini today. This transition may bring more dynamism to interpersonal relationships and sharpening the appetite for more interaction, stimulating and the search for novelty.
The Sagittarius Full Moon, May 2024
The Sagittarius Full Moon shines like a guiding light, illuminating nuggets of wisdom and inspiring faith. As Jupiter, the dispositor of the Moon, moves through the anaretic degree of Taurus, its energy feels palpable. We want to believe in abundance but things could feel overwhelming.
The Sun in Gemini
Gemini makes its mark over the coming month, encouraging us to think more freely, entertain new ideas and rethink old attachments.
Mercury in Taurus on May 15
The Taurus energy invites us to slow the pace and appreciate life through the medium of our physical senses, which requires time and patience.
Mars in Aries & Pluto Retrograde!
Yesterday Venus nudged its way into earthy Taurus, (check out Jorge’s great post below), and today Mars jumps into fiery Aries, where it remains until June 9th! Plus, tomorrow is Bealtaine, (1st day of summer, in the Northern Hemisphere), and Pluto goes stationary retrograde!!
Venus in Taurus
Venus has just entered Taurus, one of the signs it rules. In Taurus Venus stands for pleasure, sensuality, and well-being. It's a phase where we might feel a greater sensory appeal, promoting connection with the body and placing increased value on stability, security, and peace.
The Full Moon in Scorpio on April 23rd!
Tonight's Full Moon in Scorpio brings a deep, transformative energy. The Moon is in a square aspect to Pluto in Aquarius, adding intensity to the emotional experience of this lunation.
The Jupiter/Uranus Conjunction & Relationships on April 20/21!
Although the Jupiter/Uranus conjunction occurs every 14 years, there hasn’t been one in Taurus, since 1941. So, for many of us, this will be our first and last experience of this conjunction in this Venus ruled sign!
The Sun in Taurus in Relationships!
The Sun ingresses into Taurus on Friday, the day of the Mercury-Venus conjunction – and of course Friday is named for Freya’s Day, the day of Venus. So Friday will be a particularly Venusian day – a good day to contact friends perhaps, socialise and appreciate loved ones.