Twin Engine: Mars in Gemini, 2021

Image by PilotBrent via


March 2, 2021

Mars moves into Gemini on March 3rd, beginning a stay in the sign of the twins that will last until April 23rd. During this period, Mars will be adding to the considerable energy around relationships - in fact, this is one of the most energized areas of life as late winter turns to early spring.

In relationships, Mars has two functions. First, he symbolizes sexual energy - the drive component rather than the more aesthetic, pleasurable side of sex. Second, he shows how we assert ourselves, and sometime how we spar with our partners in relationship. 

In Mercury’s home sign, Mars takes a verbal approach to his relationship tasks. He’s more talkative and idea-oriented than he was in Taurus, the sign that he’s leaving. He’s also more experimental and open - although with Uranus in Taurus we may have seen some exceptions. Mars in Taurus is the horns of the bull: earthy sensuality that expresses itself in action. Mars in Gemini might just be willing to experience the idea and play with the possibilities without needing to put thoughts into action. 

Mars in the dual sign of Gemini can also be a little less than forthright. It’s not a lack of honesty, per se, so much as a willingness to see all perspectives and play on both sides of the court. With Venus and partnership asteroid Juno both tangling with nebulous Neptune, that could mean some folks have doubts about partnership fidelity… or maybe their partner’s commitment to the relationship… or maybe their own commitment to it. These issues could pop up at various times during Mars’ stay in Gemini, but are especially prominent throughout March and the first half of April.

Mars’ square to Vesta (in Virgo) on March 21st could signal potential conflicts. Mars in Gemini is ready to try anything, while Vesta in Virgo is more selective. With the Sun and Venus leaping into fiery Aries at the same time, we’re likely to lean to towards doing what feels good in the moment - although perhaps not without some consequences in the days that follow.

When Venus and Mars connect in a an easy sextile on April 6th, they open up possibilities for harmony between desire and action - especially with Venus in Mars’ home sign of Aries and about to trine partnership asteroid Juno and sextile Jupiter. The one caveat is that with Mars also square Neptune we may go a little ‘too far, too fast,’ or, alternatively, run out of gas right before the finish line.

Another period of time that will require a little extra attention is the period from the 11th through the 14th of April. Juno stations to retrograde in Sagittarius, opposed by Mars and sextiled by the Sun, while Venus burns through the last degrees of Aries on her way home to Taurus. The desire for independence and freedom will be very strong at this time, but the need for partnership and connection is also prominent. All in all, most folks will lean towards fulfilling their more immediate needs, perhaps rethinking the demands of relationships. Effecting a compromise could be a challenge.

As you can see, the action really heats up in the middle of April. The time is capped by Mars making easy connections to Jupiter and Mercury around the 17th, suggesting that an upbeat mood and good communication can help to resolve issues that may emerge earlier (although with Mercury also square to Pluto we may find that our words have a little extra power, and we may say a bit too much, or try to get a point home with sarcasm).

Mars leaves for Cancer on April 23rd, and his last days in Gemini may see us going to extremes in communication, and perhaps also being a little frazzled due to high activity levels. Both Venus and Mercury conjunct Uranus at the same time, so we can expect that things will get moving - if nothing else.

~ AD


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