Mars/Saturn conjunction in Pisces, April 10, 2024

As if the recent solar eclipse and current retrograde Mercury weren’t enough, here’s Mars now conjoined to Saturn at 14 degrees Pisces. April is proving to be a pretty intense month! Indeed, the sky offers an interesting picture – at time of writing, all the planets are within less than 120 degrees of each other from Pluto at 2 Aquarius to Uranus at 21 Taurus. This makes it a ‘Bundle’ chart, according to the chart patterns identified by Marc Edmund Jones. The ‘bundle’ type is self-contained and narrowly focused, which perhaps reflects something in the collective right now, a sense that our perspective is a little too one-sided and balance is lacking. Additionally, the ‘leading planet’ (the first one to rise) is Pluto – it leads the energy each day at the moment.

Back to Mars-Saturn in Pisces. I was struck by something in Jorge’s beautiful description of Mars entering Pisces below (Friday 5th) – the challenge to let ourselves be in the flow of things and not try to reach for quick solutions which simply bring more chaos. His image of the Tai Chi warrior is perfect for Mars in Pisces and now with Saturn conjoining it, we may be experiencing one of our greatest tests of the sojourn of Mars through Pisces – having the discipline to contain our frustration, accept what we have no power to change, and instead move subtly and gracefully with the flow of things.

As Rachel commented in her post about the eclipse, Mars-Saturn means we may not feel that we have the freedom to act or move in the way we desire. The Balinese have a saying which they use as a kind of mantra on the roads, which are full of scooters weaving in and out at speed – they say ‘just flow like water’. It works for the Balinese – everyone’s in control of themselves and accidents are rare. It might work as a handy mantra for us too, under this Mars-Saturn.

~ Carole Taylor

[Photo by 12019 at Pixabay]


The Sun in Taurus in Relationships!


The Solar Eclipse, April 8, 2024