Some Initial Thoughts on Harry and Meghan’s Announcement on Jan. 8, 2020

Astrologically, this is very interesting! Here are some brief initial thoughts…

The Saturn/Pluto conjunction is on Meghan's descendant, with the lunar eclipse on Friday on her ascendant! It also squares Harry's 8th House Sun in Virgo and squares his 4th House Moon. Major transformation of his identity, as well as his sense of home and roots. The changes for Meghan are in her relationship arena!

The conjunction also squares the Saturn/Pluto conjunction in the 7th house of their (midpoint) composite chart! Thanks to one of our readers for the reminder that Uranus going stationary direct is also a factor! It is exactly trine their composite Sun!

Meanwhile the conjunction is sextile the Sun in the chart of Prince Charles and Uranus is 2° from his Nth. Node!

These are just some brief initial thoughts! We'd love to know your thoughts on it! MG

Here is the article that prompted this brief blog:


The Impact of the Nodal Change Into Gemini/Sagittarius - in Relationships!


The Saturn/Pluto conjunction in Relationships - A New Cycle, A New Start...