The Impact of the Nodal Change Into Gemini/Sagittarius - in Relationships!

Every act of communication is a miracle of translation

― Ken Liu

Today the Nodes shift from Cancer/Capricorn into Gemini/Sagittarius, where they remain until mid January 2022.

For the past two and a half years we have been collectively steeped in the parental archetypes connected to Cancer and Capricorn. The symbolic ‘head of the dragon’ also known as Caput Draconis, nudged us towards greater self-nurturing, whilst letting go of some of the harsher features of the ‘tail of the dragon’ - Cauda Draconis - including paying homage to an inner and outer authority that is no longer authentic to our core self. In relationships this translated into a greater ability to love others based on authentic self-love.

With the Nodal shift into Gemini and Sagittarius, communication comes to the fore as we are invited to release beliefs that no longer resonate with us, and find ways of thinking and expressing ourselves, that are based on wider possibilities. This is a lighter, more mental energy than the previous two and a half years.

In relationships this is likely to signify a desire to surround ourselves with people who share a desire to expand their beliefs through the communication of ideas far and wide. Our friendships are likely to increase at this time, as we seek greater growth and expansion through mental exchanges. Gemini is the bridge that helps us translate meaning across the divides of time and space. The ruler of Gemini is Mercury, the mythological Hermes, who was the only god allowed to travel between dimensions and return. During this time we will hopefully make a greater effort to create bridges of connection with people far and wide.

Keep in mind that Gemini, the sign of the twins, contains both light and shadow, so we are more likely to visibly encounter the shadow aspects of our thoughts and beliefs in our encounters with others over the next two and a half years. It’s a wonderful time to engage in individual and/or couple psychotherapy to learn new tools to communicate more effectively and mostly, to truly hear and understand what your loved ones are seeking to express, without the clutter of our own preconceptions.

The North Node was last in Gemini/South Node in Sagittarius in Oct 2001 – April 2003. It may be helpful to think back to what your relationship dynamics were like at that time, as another layer of those issues may come to light this time round.

Have a look also at what area of your natal and composite chart the Nodes are travelling through. This will shed some light on the areas of life the above issues are more pertinent to you and your relationships.

Stay safe and well everyone, as we enter a new exciting expansive phase of our collective and personal development! MG


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