Some initial thoughts on the synastry between the natal chart of the new Royal baby: Archie Harrison Mountbatten-Windsor and his parents Meghan Markle and Prince Harry.

The Birth Chart of Royal Baby Archie Harrison Mountbatten-Windsor.  

The royal baby arrived when the Sun is midway through its annual journey in the earthy sign of Taurus. It landed in the baby’s first house, describing the importance of discovering and developing a strong sense of self-value as a core theme of his solar journey. His journey also involves being a powerful agent of transformation and manifestation, as he discovers his own sense of inner authority.  

With Neptune as a singleton in water and his Moon in airy Gemini, he is likely to find it easier to intellectualize emotions, rather than to connect with them directly through his body and/or his feelings. Communication of all kinds is likely to be a source of comfort to him, particularly when it is honest and direct as he could get easily bored. His intuition is likely to be very strong. This baby may need to find his voice from the ancestral matrix and to speak some truths on their behalf.

This new royal baby is likely to be very sensitive to wounding in the collective and may need some support at times to not take this on as his own to solve. Self-love and creativity are likely to be an important part of his life journey. 

Synastry with his parents’ charts 

There is clearly a strong emotional connection between father and son, with the baby’s Sun conjunct his dad’s Moon. This is likely to stir up nurturing instincts in Harry, as well as shining a bright light on any issues to do with Harry’s experience of being ‘mothered/nurtured’ growing up. Interestingly the baby’s Moon is conjunct, (although out of sign), Harry’s North Node, indicating deep learning for Harry through his son’s emotional world. The baby’s Sun opposite his dad’s Saturn is not unusual for parent/child relationships, as it can describe commitment in a relationship and a teacher/learner dynamic. The baby’s Sun on Harry’s IC, could easily indicate the important role this baby could play in shining a light on Harry’s roots.  

With their Venuses opposing each other, Harry may help his son with the art of compromise. Harry’s Sun forms a Tsquare with his son’s Mars/Jupiter opposition, thereby awakening his son’s drive to speak up and take action for what he believes in.

With Harry’s Saturn sextile his son’s MC, dad could support his son in manifesting his career. 

Progression wise, key times to notice in the royal baby’s relationship with his father will be when he reaches age 5 and 8.  

One of the key connections for the baby and his mum Meghan, is the conjunction between his North Node and her Ascendant, indicating a similarity between her approach to life and the key skills he came here to develop in this lifetime.  

With his Sun shining on her Chiron, he can illuminate a path for her to heal potential fears to do with security and resources. Although with their Sun’s squaring each other, there may be some clashes between her fieriness and his tenacity, their Moon’s in Air trining each other, are likely to help them find an emotional way through it.  

His Venus trine Meghan’s Sun, indicates a deep love and admiration for who she is and his Mercury square her Nodes highlights the potential for him to assist her on following her destiny to be her individual self in this lifetime.  

Progression wise it may be interesting to note what is going on in their relationship when he is 4 months old.

Connections with other members of the Royal Family 

There are some particularly interesting connections between this new royal and his great grandmother Queen Elizabeth.

Their North Nodes are conjunct within a degree, indicating a similar life path. Also, his Mercury is exactly conjunct her Chiron and within a degree of her Sun, indicating his potential ability to understand her solar journey, including her challenges and fears and her role as teacher/healer. Interestingly the Queen’s Mercury is exactly conjunct her great grandson’s Chiron, indicating her ability to understand his challenges.

The baby also shares a North Node conjunction with his aunt Kate Middleton’s Moon/Node conjunction, and a less close conjunction with his uncle William’s North Node, indicating a shared life path with all four royals. Not to mention a Sun/Sun conjunction with his cousin Charlotte! More on these connections in further articles over the next few weeks! MG

PS We offer astrology chart readings for parents/carers and children of all ages! Email us at to book one! Also, if you’d like to learn how to work with relationship astrology in your own life or in your practice, don’t forget to sign up for our One Year Online Distance Learning Certificate Course in The Astrology of Relationships starting in September 2019. Places are filling fast and the early bird deadline finishes soon!

Image courtesy of BBC News May 8th 2019


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