Venus in Capricorn

Venus entered the sign of Capricorn today!

Despite the Sun and Pluto having already moved into Aquarius, we still have Mars and Mercury in Capricorn, joined now by Venus, and it will be the last planet to leave this sign on February 16, closing this Capricornian period during which we've been confronted with successive doses of realism.

Now, with Venus in the mix, the theme of relationships will also reflect this focus, calling for more definition, structure, planning, commitment, and resilience. Capricorn teaches us the gift of perseverance, which can help us navigate obstacles and overcome challenges. Often, this also involves adjusting expectations and identifying limits.

Despite Capricorn's typical austerity, this period can be quite positive for relationships, providing an opportunity to solidify weaker points and strengthen solidarity among partners by working towards common goals.

The initial phase of Venus's passage through Capricorn, until the end of January, promises to be quite fluid. As we enter February, there will be a more tense moment, with a square to the Lunar Nodes and Chiron, peaking around the 7th, suggesting possible catharsis that can bring healing by freeing ourselves from old patterns.

In the final phase of the sign, Venus will sextile Neptune, facilitating processes of acceptance and surrender, inspiring and guiding us towards the wisdom of balance.

- Jorge Lancinha

(Photo by Denys Nevozhai - Unsplash)


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