Mars in Capricorn: It’s Lonely at the Top

Image by StockSnap, via Pixabay


January 24, 2022

Mars enters Capricorn on January 24th, 2022, beginning a six week stay, until March 7th. The Cosmic Warrior is generally happy in Saturn’s home sign - he likes to have a task to keep him busy. It’s a good placement for folks that have things to accomplish as we begin the year.

For relationships, Mars in Capricorn pulls towards the traditional and conservative side of things - monogamy and structured relationships. While he certainly can be passionate when he feels he’s in a good place, Mars in Capricorn can wait for the right person, in the right situation, at the right time. It’s a very different vibe than the feel we had when he was in Sagittarius (or will have when he enters Aquarius). Still, transiting Mars won’t override natal tendencies, and will only exert a significant pull in partnerships that are in a less stable place.

Unlike his last visit in 2020 (when Jupiter and Saturn were in the sign), as he enters Capricorn, Mars finds that most of his fellow planets have either left or are preparing to leave. The Sun is already in Aquarius, and Mercury will end his retrograde and get out of Capricorn before Mars can catch up. Of course, Pluto awaits at the end of the sign, potentially stirring up passions both pleasant and challenging as Mars and Venus meet with him at the beginning of March.

After their meeting with the god of the underworld, Venus and Mars will walk arm-in-arm through the last degrees of Capricorn and into Aquarius. While we may well feel that we’re in a bit of a holding pattern in relationships until early March, the prospects for things to get moving as we head towards springtime in the Northern Hemisphere are really pretty good.

~ AD


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