New Year’s Week for Relationships and Astrology! Goodbye 2021 and Hello 2022!


January 2, 2022

“It's a new dawn
It's a new day
It's a new life
For me
And I'm feeling good”

Feeling Good by Antony Newley (music) and Leslie Bricusse (lyrics)

As we reach the end of 2021, it’s a great time to re-assess our relationship with ourselves, and with the people in our life – family, friends, work colleagues, community, locality…particularly with Venus Retrograde! This includes taking into account any revelations about our relationships, that may have come to light during, or just before, or after, the final exact Saturn/Uranus square on Dec. 24th.

What adjustments would you like to make in 2022 in view of all of the above? Which relationships are nourishing to your soul, and which ones are draining? Is there a balance of give and take? How’s your self-love doing on a scale of 1 – 10?

Some Key Themes this final week of 2021:

Honest Communication

Often the hardest person to be honest with about relationships is ourselves, yet this week the Mercury/Venus/Pluto conjunction encourages us to do some digging beneath the surface into the ‘reality’ of the connections we have constructed in our lives. Is there anything we need to communicate to loved ones, that we have been putting off? With Mercury moving into Aquarius at the weekend, getting an overview of relationship dynamics is likely to feel a lot easier!

Healing our Sense of Self

The exact Sun/Chiron square midweek, combined with the Moon in Scorpio, is a great time to evaluate our inner strength and resilience, which we often underestimate. Looking back over the past year, what were your strengths as you navigated through relationship dynamics? What was the learning you’d like to bring into 2022?


The New Moon in Capricorn on Jan 2nd square Uranus, brings the opportunity to restructure some aspect of our lives and relationships – notice where the New Moon lands in your individual and composite charts! The key is our willingness to let go! New Seeds are already planted, even if we can’t quite see them yet. (More on the New Moon in Rachel’s post later in the week!)

A Shift in Meaning on a Global Level

With Jupiter moving out of Aquarius and into Pisces in a couple of days, our sense of meaning, individually and collectively, will undergo a major shift! We all got a taster of this between Mid-May and the end of July, 2021. Whereas Jupiter in Aquarius is more concerned with ideals, and a somewhat detached overview of the bigger picture, Jupiter in Pisces, reminds us of our oneness, and how meaning comes through compassion and love.

This brings me to 2022, and how the energies generally feel softer than 2021. A key aspect is going to be the Jupiter/Neptune conjunction in Pisces on April 12th, inviting us to open our hearts with love, empathy and compassion towards ourselves and each other.

This of course is the most expansive expression of Pisces. However, it requires solid grounding, to not get lost in the most limited side of Pisces, which is chaos, confusion, merging, addictions, co-dependency, manipulation, untruths…The choice as always is ours!

Wishing you all an amazing 2022! We’ll share more news on our exciting new courses in the next few weeks! Everything is also posted our our website:

~ MG


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