Hello, Gemini Sun


May 20, 2021

A wonderful fact to reflect upon, that every human creature is constituted to be that profound secret and mystery to every other
Charles Dickens

Later today the Sun joins the North Node, Venus and Mercury in airy Gemini! Grounding may not feel so easy with this lighter energy as we are pulled away from the earthier realms of our body, into the cerebral world of thoughts and ideas.

As I mentioned in the week ahead blog on Monday, the spotlight now is more on friendships, than intimate relationships.

As some countries start to emerge from covid restrictions, our mind is likely to begin to consider who we maintained contact with during lockdowns. Who was there for us, and who were we there for? Who did we miss, and why?

Gemini energy also remind us that there are multiple aspects to people and situations. The more surface apparent ones, and the deeper less easily accessible sides. The more we choose to tune into all of these multiple layers within ourselves and others, the easier it is to access compassion and empathy for our human imperfections and frailties. Ultimately Gemini is about connection, and real connection can only happen through expanding our mind and opening our heart.

Dates to look out for:

May 28th: Mercury goes retrograde for 3 weeks in Gemini - reviewing and revising our thoughts and friendships
May 31st: Sun/North Node conjunction – a karmic point in friendships
June 2nd: Sun/Chiron sextile – using our thoughts to understand and heal individual wounding  
June 3rd: Sun/Saturn trine - awakening collective ideals
June 10th: Sun/Mercury Rtx conjunction - revisiting past memories, particularly to do with siblings and friends
June 13th: Sun/Neptune square - logic or heart, as the bridge with others?
June 17th: Sun/Pluto quincunx - letting go of old ways of thinking  

Wishing you all a very thoughtful and connecting month!





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